Join Us for Sunday Worship Service

Sundays 10 am to 11:30 am

11301 Neelsville Church Road, Germantown, MD 20876

New Here?

Dayspring Church always welcomes new people, whether you are looking to find a spiritual community or just visiting. Feel free to come as you are. Most people dress casually at our church. We celebrate and welcome people of all races, sexual orientations, gender identities, and cultures. As an ecumenical church, we don’t seek to impose rigid doctrinal beliefs.

Our Sunday worship services begin at 10 AM. We encourage people to come as early as 9:45 to settle in and silently center. We are a participatory church with a Shared Leadership Model. We choose not to have a pastor. Different people in the community volunteer to serve as liturgist, message giver, and in other roles in the worship service. People assume roles without regard to gender, formal training, or certifications.

Our worship normally includes elements typical in Protestant worship, such as a call to worship, songs, scripture from the Revised Common Lectionary, songs, prayer time, and benediction. Liturgical and preaching styles vary according to how the leaders that day feel led. We offer communion every Sunday. We invite all to participate and will respect any who choose not to participate. A less usual aspect of our services is the Candle for Peace and Justice, a practice brought to us by someone who came from South Africa, where she was active in anti-apartheid efforts. Each week someone brings to the light of Christ some violence or injustice in the world.


Our prayer time is an open time when any may share their prayer concerns. After announcements, we offer time for anyone to share from their lives and concerns. Our message time sometimes includes opportunities for those in the congregation to respond. All worshipping that day are free to participate in any of these, including those here for the first time. If you come on a day when we have potluck or refreshments after worship, we invite you to join us for that.

During most of the year, we meet in the chapel in the Farmhouse, a converted large living room. During the summer, we meet at our Pavilion in the forest, open on three sides. We also offer a Zoom option for those at a distance or having difficulty coming in person. If you want to try us first on Zoom, use the contact form or message us on Facebook to get the Zoom information.

Have one or more children to bring?

We love children, but do not always have them so we only plan for children if we know some are coming. We have people who are experienced and capable in working with children who will be glad to arrange something appropriate for yours. Activities may include an interactive youth message time or exploring in the fields, meadows, and bodies of water on our land. Use the contact form to let us know if you are bringing children. It is helpful to know their ages and things about them.