May 7, 2024

PREPARE THE WAY - A Weekend Retreat back

November 30 - December 2, 2018

This retreat is currently full. Please let us know if you would like to be on the waiting list. Thank you.

Theme: PREPARE THE WAY. The Advent stories are
full of listening – Zechariah and Mary listening to
Gabriel, Elizabeth to Mary’s astonishing greeting,
Mary to Elizabeth’s inspired proclamation, Joseph to
an angel in a dream, neighbors to the news of the
birth and naming of John, shepherds to a whole
heavenly host out in the fields. In every story there is
a message from on High which invites and prepares
the hearers to be full participants in the Good News
announced. In Advent we, too, are invited to listen, to
be available for encounters with the Holy that prepare
a way for us to become today’s hearers and full
participants in the Good News. This retreat will offer
deep rest in the Word, in the natural world, in story
and in quiet as ways to foster such availability.
Leader: Karen Johnson is a seasoned retreat leader
who has been a part of the Dayspring community
since 1994. She is an Episcopal priest whose primary
work is spiritual direction.